Saturday, July 30, 2011

Major Nourhaghighi vs Ahmad Shamlou

سرگرد نورحقیقی : شا ملو واژه های نو فارسی مثل "شهر خدا" را از "کدخدا" گرفته و در پیچیده گوئی راه و رسم سالهای ۱۳۴۰ را در پیش گرفت مثل رضا براهنی و شاهرخ مسکوب.. .
... شگفتی در آن است که احمد شاملو د ر تلاطم امواج سئوال بر انگیزی گرفتار میشود که هنوز پاسخ بی طرفانه و روشنی برای داوری نداریم ... به عبارت دیگر ... احمد شاملو دوست ایران بود یا دشمن؟ مقامات دادگستری چه دلایل، مدارک و اسنادی برای بازداشتهای مکرراحمد شاملو داشتند؟ چرا احمد شاملو در بدنام ترین درگیریهای سیاسی همچون "پیشهوری" " فرقه دموکرات آذربایجان" و " حزب توده" ... دستگیر میشود ... حتی شاملو یکبار در جوانی در جلوی جوخه ا عدام قرار میگیرد، امّا معلوم نیست به چه جرم؟ و اینجاست که مشخص میشود تحصیل کرده ها و دانشگاهیان دچار یک حرامزادگی ذاتی هستند که حقایق را پوشانده ، ناقص، و یا واژگون ثبت میکنند که از نظر قانون "کلاهبرداری" حرفه ء محسوب میشود. چه تعداد شاهد زنده امروز داریم که شجاعت گفتن حقایق را داشته باشند معلوم نیست؟ چه تعداد مدرک و سند حقیقی وجود دارد که حقایق زندگی شاملو را به ایران بگویند؟ بهر جهت چاره نیست که تا آن زمان روشن شدن حقایق شاملو را یک شاعر که دچار "افسردگی" بوده است بدانیم که تصمیمات او را شامل کمترین مجازات میکند

... پدرش که از کابل و مادرش از قفقاز دوستانش همچون مرتضی کیوان شیفته ادبیات و افکار روس است محکوم به خیانت و اعدام شده... کجا جای پائی از ملی گرائی ایران دوستی در بین خانواده و دوستانش ویا حتی اشعارش میتوان یافت؟

لایحال یکی از مزایای شعر آنست که به دلخواه میتوان آنرا تفسیر کرد و من هم چنین کردم اشعار را برروی مسائل سیاسی که سرنوشت ایران را تغییر داد تصویر کردم..

Major Nourhaghighi: Ahmad Shamloo's Political views and actions are NOT clearly recorded by an independent and
impartial researcher to allow a fair judgement He was born in immigrant family, father from Kabul and mother . from Caucasus
Ahmad Shamlou was arrested several times in connection with a parties that none were faithful toward Iranian Constitution Law including Separatists
However the benefit of poem is that can be interpreted arbitrary and this is what I did in this video

Friday, July 22, 2011

Complaint v. Bell Canada -SOLO

Complaint v. Bell Canada -SOLO

On June 20, 2009, I went to Solo Cart at Dufferin Mall [Dealer SC062 SOLO CART], Toronto to get information. A female staff was providing me some details that a black staff "Robert James" pulled her away and talked with her privately, so she stepped aside and Robert talked with me, and several times confirmed that for $20.00 plan [SLUM20-24] my bill will be $22.60, not a penny more; thus I signed a contract with Bell Canada.


However, on June 28, I got a bill for $27.16. I called Bell Canada & Solo they said that I must contact with the dealer. I called Robert, he said come I will solve the problem.  

Today I went Dufferin Mall and talked with Robert. He was very rude and was not ready to answer. His position was that he did everything correctly but Bell & Solo over charged me, I asked him to talk with customer service, he refused. I asked him to go to the Internet, he said we don't have [while they have]. I told him that other staff went to my account; he raised his voice: "You are making me ANGRY!". But I told him that he had duty to reply so he opened my account and said you have talked within your limit and I don't know why they over charge you "Your Bill must give all details."


I came home, and login into my account, but there was NO detail for $27.16. Also there was a note that IF I do NOT provide "preauthorize payment" there would be $2.00 charge against my bill every month.

This is breach of contract. Neither dealer nor contract talk about that.  

I will NOT go back to dealer as he was very rude and his gesture when said " You are making me Angry" was harassment.

Also I will NOT pay the Bill and there is NO explanation and no one is ready to answer


I claim $2500.00 for my time wasted since June 20, 2009 by four times attending at Dufferin Mall, and several calls to Bell & Solo; and several hours wasted for "Registration" whereas, my computer crushed due to bugs in "Solo" website" and I spent four hours to reinstall Windows and other software.



Thank You

Thank you. Your incident tracking number is: 02010300026721

Please record and retain this number for future reference. The complaint process begins the next business day after we receive and analyze your complaint.


Complaint is received - [02010300026721]‏


CRTC Email to my Hotmail

Complaint is received - [02010300026721]‏

Medium riskYou may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent:Wed 7/01/09 4:49 AM

In Canada, I also wrote a lot of arti...

I was writing by-law for Air Force and teaching law to our fighter pilots. I always stress in all my classes that pilots must comply only with lawful orders which is defense of Iran and must use discretion in allowing lost aircraft get chance to return to their countries safely.

In Canada, I also wrote a lot of articles highlighting how public should be aware or tricks and corruption which is very common in all courts in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Although Canadian Police several times arrested and tortured me for my honest reports, but I never ceased publishing my books in the Internet since 1996. However Canada has put billion dollars budget two censure media & Internet, and this is the sole reason that the people of the World, even American the have no knowledge that of the extreme level of corruption, torture and violations of Charter of Rights in Canada, in particular Canadian Judges in Toronto are extremely corrupt. One of the most important fact about Canada is that over 99% of all media, associations and websites are directly or indirectly governing by the Government's agents, and their main duty is to cover up the corruption for example Canadian Police, Lawyers and Judges are involved in smuggling of Heroin from Iran and exporting to USA, and with my hard wrok and suffering six members of Toronto Police were arrested, but Judge Nordheimer stayed prosecution against them on January 31, 2008, caused all people hopes die.